BumperBump” is a free retro fixed screen action game released in August 2012.
The game is simple: you control a yellow electromagnetic bun “Mr. Bump”, and stomp around on yellow frames within a 90-second time limit. The purple character is “Manys” which bounces back when touched. The lamps at the bottom are “magnification lamps” and each time one lights up, the number of points you get doubles. You have to find out the conditions under which the lamps light up.
『Raindrop』は、909gamesのShuhei Miyazawaが初めて作って公開したゲームです。オープンソースで公開されていたHTML5ベースのゲームエンジン enchant.js を見つけ、これならWeb屋の僕でもゲーム開発できるかもしれないと触り始めたのがキッカケです。それまで独力でゲーム開発を行ったことがなかった僕ですが、なんとか1ヶ月ほどで完成まで漕ぎ着けました。
Twitter上で公開したところ思いのほか好評で、国内外のゲーマーに遊んでもらうことが出来ました。また思いがけず、インディーゲームクリエイターの交流の場として誕生した『INDIE STREAM』公式サイトの404ページにも採用してもらえました。
“BumperBump” is the first game created and published by Shuhei Miyazawa of 909games. I found “enchant.js“, an open source HTML5-based game engine, and thought that even a web designer like me might be able to develop a game with it. I had never developed a game on my own before, but I managed to complete it in about a month.
My concepts of “focusing on score attack”, “increasing bonus points with hidden elements” and “making the screen look as much like the 80’s as possible” have not changed, and I was satisfied with the game. I was very happy with the result.
When I released the game on Twitter, it was unexpectedly well received and was played by gamers in Japan and abroad. Unexpectedly, it was also selected for the 404 page of the official website of “INDIE STREAM” which was created as a place for indie game creators to interact with each other.
I can talk about this now, but at the time my programming skills were limited to MSX-BASIC and a little Javascript, and I didn’t even understand what object-oriented programming was. Therefore, the way I programmed was BASIC-like and not something I could really show (although you could usually see the source!). Still, I am a little proud that I was able to finish one game.
However, I had no idea that it would take almost 10 years to release the next game from here…

I really wanted to achieve two things when creating the game. One was to use an original 8×8 font, as the fonts provided by Windows did not fit the 80s screen. Also, it was not possible to use multiple colors for the letters, so we decided to use a sprite font. While it would have been easy to display and rewrite the font using a normal font, the sprite font required more work, but I still wanted to create the atmosphere of that era.
Another thing I wanted to achieve was to create music using the waveform memory sound source used by Namco in the 80s. I had always longed to do so, but I had agonized over the fact that I just could not produce that sound myself. Then the VST plug-in “Chip32” appeared, and it was exactly the sound source I wanted. All of the background music used in the game was created using Chip32, and the sound effects were created using Amaya’s “Pxtone Collage“.
Staff Credit
Game Designer / Programmer / Graphicer / Composer
Shuhei Miyazawa
Daisuke Amaya
憤死確定 Funshi Kakutei / Yoshiki Saito
Special Thanks
taigoooo / chaboko / Keiichi Satou / hasu / 虎い(仮) torai / Shoji Nakamura
Made with
enchant.js / Chip32